Return of my web site
Sometimes I wonder if telepathy really does exist. Recently, I have been working hard to try and get my website up again - it is my main way of keeping in touch with readers - and, as if in support, I have had a sudden increase in fan mail. Very odd and very encouraging.
The new web site went up last night, June 20 2005. Located at it is a combined family effort with the hero of the project being my son Bruff (16 in July) who did all the actual implementation. Scathing about the previous version, which had been set up in Microsoft's Front Page, he determined that this version would be technologically professional so opted to use Cascading Style Sheets through Macromedia Dreamweaver. If that means nothing to you, don't worry about it - I am no computer professional myself. However, I can tell you that although Cascading Style Sheets mean much more preliminary work, the end result is easier to change and is based upon elegantly clean HTML code.
Bruff knew neither Cascading Style Sheets nor Macromedia Dreamweaver when he started but armed with various manuals courtesy of Amazon, set to work to teach himself. It wasn't an easy business, given the pressure of time, and the differing opinions of various strong willed family members, but the end result is clean, fast and readable - which is, of course, the whole idea.
Ideally, my journal (Blog) would have been incorporated into the main body of the web site but for sheer convenience takes some beating so that will be my Blog home for the indefinite future.
The new web site went up last night, June 20 2005. Located at it is a combined family effort with the hero of the project being my son Bruff (16 in July) who did all the actual implementation. Scathing about the previous version, which had been set up in Microsoft's Front Page, he determined that this version would be technologically professional so opted to use Cascading Style Sheets through Macromedia Dreamweaver. If that means nothing to you, don't worry about it - I am no computer professional myself. However, I can tell you that although Cascading Style Sheets mean much more preliminary work, the end result is easier to change and is based upon elegantly clean HTML code.
Bruff knew neither Cascading Style Sheets nor Macromedia Dreamweaver when he started but armed with various manuals courtesy of Amazon, set to work to teach himself. It wasn't an easy business, given the pressure of time, and the differing opinions of various strong willed family members, but the end result is clean, fast and readable - which is, of course, the whole idea.
Ideally, my journal (Blog) would have been incorporated into the main body of the web site but for sheer convenience takes some beating so that will be my Blog home for the indefinite future.