Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Are President George Bush & The Republican Party secretly members of Al Qaeda? Their agendas certainly coincide.

“Look not at what they say, but what they do.” Old Washington D.C. Proverb – along with “Count your fingers after you shake hands in this town – and wash them afterwards too.” Inside the Beltway (the ring road that circles Washington) betrayal is almost an act of friendship; and it is certainly part of the initiation process.

But enough of cheery talk about the capital of the arsenal of democracy (and the World’s largest debtor – and climbing).

The great thing about Osama is that, rather like Hitler, he tells his enemies what he is up to and, frankly, he’s a better communicator; a sort of Moslem Moses; a positive maestro of simple declarative statements of mayhem. And with the advantages of working with Al Jazeera and Fox News to get his message out. Together with a secure cave, a well oiled Kalashnikov, plenty of hot tea and the prospect of seventy-two virgins, what more could a maniac want?

For the U.S. economy to be screwed? Actually, yes.

Hitler was equally specific when he listed his plans for World domination in Mein Kampf, but with reviews like “Beyond the anger, hatred, bigotry, and self-aggrandizing, Mein Kampf is saddled with tortured prose, meandering narrative, and tangled metaphors….” (taken straight from Amazon.com) and only Goebbels as his press agent, one can see why the Rhineland, Austria, Czechoslovakia, Poland, France, Norway, Denmark and Russia were surprised when his troops blasted in. Who would have guessed the man had a yen for invasions? Even the book jacket was a hard read.

But enough of marketing failures – though I note in passing that Mein Kampf is selling all over the place these days (which should cause someone, somewhere, some concern). The point is that Osama has been quite specific that his main effort is focused on the destruction of the U.S. economy.

9/11 was no more than a symbolic launch party. Osama’s longer term strategy is for us to overspend so much, we’ll never get out of the hole. Fundamentally, he wants us to go bust - and guess who is helping him?

The U.S. military? Close!

You’ve guessed it: President George W. Bush and the Republican Party (including those well known symbols of high moral principle, conservative compassion and cuddliness, Dick Cheney and Tom DeLay). And, to coin a phrase, they’re doing one heck of a job.

They are spending this great Nation into the gutter.